Sunday, April 7, 2019

Russia Revisited

Live concert in Sochi this year...poor video quality, so I created a montage.

I began to perform in Russia in 2009. It was an amazing time of creativity and discovery that I returned each year. Then the economy tanked. Bam! Just like that, my Russian tours ended. In my world view, change is a good thing, a part of the natural order, a constant part of life. I missed my yearly visits, adopted family, and close friends. Some had left the earth since my last trip...RIP Vitaly. I missed the openness of the Russian creative scene and the inspiration which seemed to hang in the air waiting to be grabbed. After a 4 year hiatus, I'm back! Many things are different, much is the same.  It is always wonderful to be here, being surprised by all that is possible. Spasibo. Спасибо