Monday, November 19, 2018

Celebration of Choice...

Spontaneous Combustion at Jardin Cosmique in Switerland 2018

It's my10th anniversary as a nomadic artist...yay! I never imagined how a life-long desire would actually manifest. Reflecting back, it was a wish which lead to a decision and then one single step.

I was living on the beach in Belmont Shores, LA County. The local music scene had been friendly enough, but I wanted something more. I had a yearning to sing worldwide without a clue how to do it. My music journey had begun long before LA, but I still hadn't recorded an album. No record label was looking for me, I believed. Nonetheless, I wanted to share something musically, so I jumped into the deep end, as usual. I bought a ticket to Manchester, England, gave away most of my possesions, took time to visit my family on the East Coast, and began the adventure of a lifetime.

A cheerful farewell from Mama Patty, LA 2007

So many angels, seen and, unseen, arrived to aid me. There aren't enough words to show my gratitude. Thank you seems insufficient, though I've said it a million times. Kevin L, JTC, & Mama Patty were so generous with their time, energy, and resources. Ten years later, I'm still awed by their demonstration of love. Thank you, my angels! Then there are former collaborators and musical partners who encouraged me to keep singing, who told me I had a special gift. Two of whom are now gone: Ronnie Pierce, my clarinetist in Seattle, and Tom Tonyan, my LA pianist. God only knows where I would be without those first boosts.

Tom T. & me at Sir Winston's circa 2005

It isn't easy to step into the light and say, "Yes, I can do this!" In fact doubt, fear, and self-judgement are big destroyers of many creators. It's determination that keeps me on the path. In truth, I'm afraid most of the time. Then I ask myself, "What's the worst thing that could happen?" Some how the potential of falling isn't as bad as a future full of regret, so I keep stepping. I look back over the last 10 years with a heart full of gratitude that I didn't give up.

There are so many more episodes of this adventure. However, I won't go down memory lane just yet. It's celebration time...appreciation time. A childhood friend, Meighan G, encouraged me to blog again. She is interested in what's happening on the road. Perhaps you are too?

Here's to more years of creativity & global travel...

Love, Light, & Laughter,
