Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Droppin' Names from Montreux...

Meeee and Mr., Mr. Jones we got a thing... Get your mind outta the gutter. I've only gotten to speak to the incredible Quincy Jones a few times since I've been here. Contrary to some thinking (my friend Drew-boo, who keeps asking when I'll return to the States, teased I'm spreading more than Katt-joy in Montreux) I am somewhat solely focused on spreading love through singing. Actually I am still quite stingy with my body, though I've had some good smoochin'. I am, however, singing everyday. I was fortunate to meet a wonderful guitarist, Mark Kelly (, when I first arrived and we've been working on my originals, his originals, and a few covers. There should be some video coming from somewhere soon. Many people have their cameras out when we perform.

Mark letting his music shine...

Video-man, Gennadi, from Russia.

Mark & I were singing one night when a cutie named Gennadi showed up and asked if he could shoot some video: he was on his way camping in France, but decided to swing by the festival to have a first time experience. I missed my bus home because of our late night hanging in the Jazz Cafe. He stayed around to help me hitch home, but had to catch a 5:15 train. Eventually, I got a lift with a beatboxer who is working for the festival. Geez... another 6am arrival home. Thank God the festival is almost done. I would be dead if there was another week to go.

15 y/o Beatrice getting in on the street action for the first time! Courageous!!

There are so many wonderful musicians all over the place. Some play on the rue, like Mark & me. Others are booked for the stages. The difficult part is waiting for the late night jams. We perform most of the evening and sometimes both day and night. Then Mark & I head for the Jazz Cafe where some of the band members for the big names come to play together. We've been trying to get on stage as a duo, but no luck with that so far. However, we have both gotten on the stage in the Jazz Cafe. I had 2 opportunities. One night I did freestyle with musicians from Tower of Power and Roberta Flack. On another occasion, I sang with David Delhomme, guys from Chaka Khan, and from the Crusaders. What an honor! I have to tell a bit more about that night.

It was the big 75th Anniversary Celebration night for Quincy. Mark & I were gifted some tickets for the show where many of Quincy's friends gathered to celebrate his life in music. Herbie Hancock, Patti Austin, Chaka, James Moody and many others performed. Toots Thielemans, famous jazz harmonica player, made a surprise appearance. We knew there would be an incredible jam that evening. There was even a possibility that we might get invited to the private party upstairs at the Cafe where, the evening prior, I chatted with Q. Unfortunately, the invite never came, but no matter. Our goal was to get on that damn stage. Q was in da house!!! We sought everyone we knew with access to the stage to inquire about the jam: when would it begin-by this time it was well after 3am- could we perform as a duet, etc. No answers were forthcoming, but the stage was definitely set for something to happen. I was told the stage was set for Q's guests and he would determine when everything would begin. Mark was so nervous it was driving me crazy! We could see Q from where we positioned ourselves. I mentioned to Mark that we should make a sign and hold it up for the Big Man to see. He nodded in agreement and continued twitching. You know how I think I can wiggle my booty into anywhere. Well I wrote a note, sashayed upstairs, and talked security into letting me enter the VIP party to give Q a note. Once inside there was a personal body guard who stopped me. I asked him to pass the note to Q. He read it and put it in his pocket. Outraged, I asked what he was doing? "I'll give it to him at the hotel", he answered with his bass voice. "That won't do", I quickly quipped back, careful not to anger the gigantic guy. "Give it back! I'll just reach over and give it to him myself", I continued. Bodyguard dude told me that would be the rudest thing I could do and finally gave me the info I needed in the first place. He pointed out the musicians who would be in charge of the jam and off I went to introduce myself. I asked when the jam would begin and ex
plained that I wanted to sing. "You wanna sing? What's your name?, he inquired. "Katt", I answered. He told me he was David and said he would look out for me. I returned downstairs to inform Mark and we strategized. It was bittersweet in the end because David kept his word and I got to sing. After that Chaka's guitarist, Tony, took over and there was no getting on for anyone else. The session began so late and was beginning to continue so long that the club actually ended it for us all. Mark & I watched the sunrise over the mountains as we waited for our bus home to Vevey.

David on the keys. Tony on lead guitar.

Vevey, where I live for now... that's a fork in Lake Geneva.

I am truly blessed & I am having the time of my life!! Be happy... it's your choice.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Swingin', Singin', & Dreamin' in Switzerland...

Looking for tickets in Montreux...

So much is happening so fast these days at times I don't know where to begin the stories. I have been living in Switzerland for the last month and it's such a small country that I've been able to travel around it quite a bit. There are 3 distinct Swiss areas: the German part, the Italian part, and the French part. As a result most Swiss speak all three languages and use English to bridge any gaps. It seems to work for them. I've spent time in each section. It's that saying yes thing... keeps me movin', but occasionally gets me into trouble. Everyone has a favorite part of the land, based on how "open-minded" the people are there. Outside looking in... they're pretty much just Swiss with language and food differences. Perhaps that sounds more simple than it really is, but those are the bare bones. I'll just leave it at that for now.

My singing post in Basel.

I know I'm looking pretty wild at the moment. I had a home-dying job gone awry and just decided to live with it. My Basel post is outside the post office in the main marketplace. The acoustics are wonderful! The rule breaker in me is going wild here 'cause the Swiss have many rules. I am only supposed to sing in one spot for 30 mins. before changing posts. I think this is because certain street musicians (someone told me they're beggars with instruments) play just three songs and stick a cup in your face. Oops! My repertoire, however, is quite large and I never ask for anything. I have a cute little bag which sits near by. My philosophy is the money takes care of itself. I sing to spread my Katt-joy and whatever I need is provided by the day's end. Often times people put bills directly into my hands. I always end up talking with someone who is inspired by my life and music. Also, musicians keep inviting me to join them for projects. One very cool artist, Hilarius, has been doing a mixture of street playing and concerts for 30 years! He calls me Meow and has taken it upon himself to advise me. He also wishes to work on a gig or 2 together. It's all very cool. Amazing!!!

surrounded by his paintings with an instrument he made .

Montreux, home to the world famous Jazz festival.

Lake Geneva, backdrop to the festival. I want one of these watercraft thingies!!!

I have dreamed of one day being at Montreux. It was surreal when I road my bicycle down the road and started seeing signs of the Jazz Festival. Kinda bittersweet actually, because there's not so much jazz anymore. The big names in jazz this year are Herbie Hancock, Return to Forever with Chic Corea & the Gang, and a lump of jazzers thrown in for Quincy's 75th Anniversary Celebration. The headliners are big radio names like Lenny Kravitz, Erykah Badu, Alicia Keys, Gnarls Barkley or music icons Paul Simon, Leonard Cohen, Joan Baez, & Roberta Flack. Obviously these people will sell tickets. It's just a wee sad that the big jazz radio names are absent from the roster, but many of them are in Switzerland this summer where there are festivals all over the place. Diana Ross even headlines at one. It's so beautiful here with trees and lakes everywhere. There's no mystery why people want to hang out in the summer.

Montreux Jazz Cafe has free concerts nightly.

Gavin, Mark, & John... Englishmen in Switzerland.

My haven is in Vevey about 10km from Montreux. Vevey is the home of Nestle, the hideaway for Shania Twain, and the final resting place of Charlie Chaplin. Mark is a guitarist who has been living here for 8 years. He's got a few connections and is working on some of my songs so we may get to perform them on one of the festivals stages. Cross your fingers & toes! Gavin and John belong to the Nestle family. John stole my heart right before he transferred to the Ukraine. Dammit!!!

After my first absinthe. Happy Kitty!!!